• Sustainable Process Engineering Research Team

Zohreh Ravaghi Ardebili

ravaghiBorn in Ardebil, Iran at 1980. Title of thesis (master): Data Reconciliation of thermal cracking reactors of olefin plants – Naphtha feedstock, Prof. Ramin Karimzadeh, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, February 2007. Title of PhD thesis: Green process integration: innovative pathway of Methanol /DME synthesis, Supervisor : Prof.Sauro Pierucci, Politecnico di Milano, February 2014.

Research fields

  • Chemical process design, innovation and integration of processes
  • Coal /biomass Gasification
  • Renewables : Concentrated solar power (CSP) plants, thermal storage technologies
  • Methanol/DME synthesis Process
  • Data Reconciliation
  • Olefin plants: Thermal Cracking Reactors

Industrial Experiences

  • R&D in oil and gas engineering consulting company ,Tabriz, Iran
  • Technical committee member of codification for industrial chemistry and polymeric products of institute of Standards and Industrial research of Iran (ISIRI) ,Tehran, Iran
  • Research Project associated with process engineering team of Tarbiat Modares University and Tabriz Petrochemical company in ?severity control of olefin plant?, Tehran, Iran
  • Quality Control Engineer in wheat flour plant, Tehran, Iran

PhD Schools

  • PhD International Training school: Modeling combustion kinetics, 2013, Milan, Italy.
  • PhD National school : chemical engineering, from nonoscale to Macroscale, 2012, Montesilvano, Italy.
  • PhD National school : Mathematical Methods for Chemical Engineering / Nanotechnologies, 2011, Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy.


  • Process Integration from the low-temperature steam-biomass gasification to chemical production: Methanol/DME synthesis, 2014, Ravaghi-Ardebili Z., Manenti F., PRES 2014.
  • Assessment of the Effective Parameters on H2:CO Ratio in Syngas through the Low-Temperature Gasification, 2014, Ravaghi-Ardebili Z., Manenti F., Pirola C., Soares F., Corbetta M., Pierucci S., Ranzi R., International Conference on Bio Mass, IconBiomass.
  • Mathematical modeling of coal and biomass gasification: comparison on the syngas H2/CO under different operating conditions, 2014, Corbetta M., Manenti F., Ravaghi Ardebili Z., Ranzi E., Pirola C., Pierucci S., ESCAPE 24.
  • Energy Diversification in the Middle East: How to double a Region’s Energy Resources, 2013, Kolbe M., Ravaghi Ardebili Z., AICHE annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Direct Solar-Powered Biomass Gasification Using Low-Temperature Steam, 2013, Ravaghi Ardebili Z., Manenti F., Pirola C., AICHE annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Study of Direct Thermal Energy Storage Technologies for Effectiveness of Concentrating Solar Power Plants, 2013, Ravaghi Ardebili Z. , Manenti F., Chemical engineering transactions, 32:1219-1224.
  • Assessment of direct thermal energy storage technologies for concentrating solar power plants, Ravaghi Ardebili Z., Manenti F., 2013, chemical engineering transactions, 35:547-552.
  • Energy Storage Layouts for Concentrated Solar plants, a comparison of process control, 2012, Manenti F., Ravaghi-Ardebili Z., AICHE annual meeting, Pittsburg, PA.
  • Preserving Safety and Improving yield performances in Methanol Processes, 2012, Ravaghi Ardebili Z., Manenti F., Chemical engineering transactions, 26:69-74 .
  • Process Simulation: when programming is easier than user-friendly package, 2012, Ravaghi Ardebili Z., Manenti F., Procedia Engineering, 42:1514-1519.
  • New CAPE solution for olefin plants, detailed dynamic simulation and dynamic real Time of optimization, 2010, Manenti F., Ravaghi Ardebili Z., Chemical Engineering transactions.
  • NATIONAL PATENT: Using of nanoparticle of TiO2 coupled with Ag as anti-UV in production of PP&PE joints and fittings, 2010, 389010604, Iran.

Teaching Experiences

  • Chemical process dynamics and control , Lab assistant, Politecnico di Milano (2013-2014)
  • Research assistant and lecturer ,University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran ( 2008-2011):
  • Basic principles and calculations in chemical engineering
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Plant design in industrial chemistry


  • Dynamic Simulation of concentrating solar power plant and two-tank direct thermal energy storage, 2013, Manenti F., Ravaghi Ardebili Z., Energy, 55:89-97.
  • An approach for a systematic staging design of the fixed-bed methanol synthesis reactor, 2013, Leon-Garzon A., Manenti F., Ravaghi Ardebili Z., Applied Thermal Engineering.
  • Assessing thermal energy storage technologies of concentrating solar plants for the direct coupling with chemical processes. The case of solar-driven biomass gasification, 2014, Ravaghi Ardebili Z., Manenti F., Energy, under review.
  • Unified modeling and feasibility study of novel green pathway of biomass to methanol, 2013, Ravaghi Ardebili Z., Manenti F., Leon-Garzon A. R., under review, Applied Energy.
  • Adaptive biomass gasification to operate at low temperature solar-driven steam gasification, 2013, Ravaghi Ardebili Z., Manenti F., Corbetta M., Ranzi E., Submitted paper to Renewable Energy.




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office: +390223994717