• Sustainable Process Engineering Research Team


SuPER Technological Transfer

ORYT(TM) – Our Reserach, Your Technology

ORYT(TM) is a new methodology for applied research dealing with the definition of new Intellectual Property (IP) for the industry.

5 full-time experts are dedicated to the Technology Trasfer at the SuPER facilities, to generate ideas, apparatuses, processes and supporting industrialization, licensing and services

Licenses and agreements


The 15y exclusive license limited to Italy has been transferred to ACEA SpA, Italian multi-utility leader in the waste management. The GASIFORMING(TM) process allows to convert the mix of End-of-Life plastic wastes into methanol and CO2 food grade with zero-impact, high yield, and total circularity. After lab and pilot validations, the technology started in June 2021 the final industrialization step in Ancona Province (Centre of Italy, Adriatic Sea Side) for a first plant of 16 kt/y.


The conversion of biogas to methanol is at the industrialization step thanks to the agreement with Fattoria Autonoma Tabacchi (FAT), leader Tobacco Company placed in Umbria (Centre of Italy). The first small-scale industrial plant with 0.1 MWe capacity is installed and operating at Città di Castello (PG). The produced biomethanol will be therefore used as fuel additive in the agricultural fleet of tractors achieving the circular economy target of reusing the agri-food residue.

RECS(TM) Proprietary Equipment – INSTM

Agreement achieved with the INSTM (Firenze) for the transfer of 75% of Intellectual Property of the RECS(TM) asset. RECS(TM) is an innovative prorpietary equipment (film-catalytic reactor) able to improve the conversion of syngas into methanol (fuel, fuel additive, gasoline substitute) and di-methyl ether (fuel, fuel additive, diesel substitute). The industrialization of the RECS(TM) will be accomplished in partnership with INSTM on a biogas plant place in Tuscany (Centre of Italy, Tirrenian Sea Side).


PLASBREAKER(TM) process allows to convert the End-of-Life plastic wastes into lubricant bases and hydrogen. Lubricants are therefore hydrofinished and predisposed for the market, whereas the hydrogen production is combined with an innovative fully-electrified and water-based only carbon capture technology to make it green.

Priority Patents

New material for sport training (PoCi(TM))

Authors: Manenti, F. (Politecnico di Milano)

Priority and extensions: 102017000104574, 2017

Status: active (details)

Services: licensing (licensing.tto@polimi.it)

Impianto per la rigenerazione di olii usati (Plant for regeneration of exhausted oils)

Authors: Gallo, F. (Viscolube SpA), De Arcangelis, D. (Viscolube SpA), Previtali, D. (Politecnico di Milano), Giusti, M., (Viscolube SpA), Quaglia, A. (Viscolube SpA) Manenti, F. (Politecnico di Milano)

Priority and extensions: 102017000133760, 2017

Status: active

Services: licensing (f.gallo@viscolube.it)

Biogas conversion module

Authors: Manenti, F. (Politecnico di Milano)

Priority and extensions: 102017000073797, 2017 (2015)

Status: active (details)

Services: licensing (licensing.tto@polimi.it)

Concentrating solar catalytic reactor

Authors: Manenti, F. (Politecnico di Milano), Pirola, C. (Universit degli Studi di Milano), Bianchi, C. (Universit degli Studi di Milano)

Priority and extensions: 102017000001505, 2017

Status: active (details)

Services: licensing (licensing.tto@polimi.it)

Energy self-sustainable biorefinery

Authors: Manenti, F. (Politecnico di Milano), Miele, S. (INSTM), Marmiroli, N. (University of Parma)

Priority and extensions: 102016000123786, 2016

Status: active (details)

Services: licensing (licensing.tto@polimi.it)

AG2S(TM) (Acid Gas to Syngas) technology

Authors: Manenti, F., Pierucci, S., Molinari, L.

Priority and extensions: MI2013A001322, 2013; PCT/IB2014/063593, 2014; WO 2015/015457 A1

Status: active (see PCT Countries SYNGAS)

Services: licensing (licensing.tto@polimi.it)

Process to produce to hydrogen

Authors: Manenti, F., Pierucci, S., Molinari, L.

Priority and extensions: MI2013A001311, 2013; PCT/IB2014/063615, 2014; WO 2015/015463 A1

Status: active (see PCT Countries HYDROGEN)

Services: licensing (licensing.tto@polimi.it)

New process for air enrichment

Authors: Manenti, F., Pirola, C.

Title: Nuovo processo di arricchimento aria / New process for air enrichment

Priority and extensions: LO2013A000002, 2013; PCT/IB2014/063615, 2014; WO 2014/161713

Status: active (see Comm_WIPO_publication)

Services: licensing (carlo.pirola@unimi.it)

Exploiting Geothermal Energy

Authors: Manenti, F., Masi, M., Santucci, G.

Title: Impianto per lo sfruttamento dell’energia geotermica / Plant to exploit geothermal energy

Priority: MI2012A001028, 2012

Status: active

Services: licensing (flavio.manenti@polimi.it)

Geothermal Desalination

Authors: Manenti, F., Masi, M., Santucci, G.

Title: Uso dell’energia geotermica per la desalinizzazione dell’acqua marina / Use of geothermal energy for seawater desalination

Priority: MI2012A001030, 2012

Status: active

Services: licensing (flavio.manenti@polimi.it)