PSWA(TM) process – CO2 capture from pressurized streams by totally electrified and water-based-only apparatus and process

Description. total electrification for CO2 capture process from pressurized streams with water only as adsorption carrier. The process and the proprietary equipment are strongly recommended for conditioning syngas streams, which are rich in CO2, before synthesis.
Applicant: Politecnico di Milano
Inventors: Flavio Manenti, Kristiano Prifti
Priority: 2020
Ownership: 100% Politecnico di Milano – TRL: 9
IP status: 1 plant operating since 2021, 2 plants in construction
AG2S(TM) process – Acid Gas to Syngas process technology

Description. New process and apparatus to convert acid gases into syngas according to the reaction: 2 H2S + CO2 = H2 + CO + S2 + H2O. Syngas is obtained from emissions only (no sources/biosources required) in energy self-sustainability thanks to a minor injection of oxygen. Recovery of CO2 via H2S consumption wherever they are simultaneously available and conversion of syngas into chemicals (methanol, dimethyl ether, …) through the combination of known and established technologies. Zero emissions or by-products thanks to the engineered AG2S process.
Applicant: Politecnico di Milano
Inventors: Flavio Manenti, Lucio Molinari (Maire Tecnimont-KT), Flavio Manenti
Priority: ITMI20131322A·2013-08-02 – Application: ITMI20131322A·2013-08-02 – Publication: ITMI20131322A1·2015-02-03
Ownership: 100% Politecnico di Milano – TRL: 9
IP status: Basic Engineering Design Package for oil refinery expected in Q3/2022