Former collaborators

Anna Dell’Angelo, Ph.D. M.Sc.
Decarbonization Processes / Blue H2
Politecnico di Milano (sv. Prof. Manenti and Ing. Gallo) moving to Politecnico di Milano as ASPP

Filippo Bisotti, Ph.D. M.Sc.
Decarbonization Processes / CO2 capture and utilization
Politecnico di Milano (sv. Prof. Manenti) moving to SINTEF (Trondheim) as Scientist

2020 – Ph.D M.Sc. Daniele Previtali, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Industrialization of the BIGSQUID(TM) Biogas-to-liquid technology to convert biogas into methanol, Engineering of FAT plant at Città di Castello (PG)

2019 – André Furtado Amaral, Politecnico di Milano, and Federal University of Mines Gerais, Brazil, Multiscale modelling of biomass conversion processes

2019 – Ecem Muge Andoglu, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, and Bilecik Seyh Edebali University, Bilecik, Turkey, Kinetic model reduction for Claus process characterization

2018 – Alessandro Rosengart, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, and Technical University of Copenhagen, Lyngby, Denmark, Adipic acid-based biorefinery conceptual design

2018 – Ergys Pahija, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China P. R., Robust process control

2018 – Federico Galli, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy and Politecnico di Milano, Methanol and dimethyl ether catalyst synthesis and process design

ecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, and Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, Dynamic scheduling and optimization of batch processes

2017 – Alberto Comazzi, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, Fischer-Tropsch catalyst synthesis and process design

2017 – Ing. Anton Ochoa-Bique, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russian Federation, Digital twin for crystallization units in nuclear fuel recovery plants

2016 – Matteo Cicciotti, Imperial College, London, UK, and BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany, Performance monitoring and online optimization of compression networks

2015 – Andres Ricardo Leon-Garzon, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, Multi-scale analysis of methanol synthesis bulk production process

2015 – Michele Corbetta, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, Conceptual design of self-sustainable biorefineries

2015 – Davide Papasidero, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, Kinetic-based study of food matrices subject to thermal treatment

2014 – Ing. Sergei Mikhalevich, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russian Federation, Robust PID control tuning

2013 – Zohreh Ravaghi Ardebili, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Solar-supplied biomass-to-methanol process: a feasibility study

2013 – Lorenzo Cabianca, University of Leuven, Belgium, and Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Process simulation suite for solid fuel treatment

2012 – Ing. Pauline Vitte, University of Toulouse, INP-ENSIACET, Digital twin of concentrating solar plant

2012 – Stefan Kuntsche, Technische Universitat Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Modeling at the documentation level: the MOSAIC project

2012 – Matteo D’Isanto, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, Bulk supply chain optimization for the industry of technical gases

2011 – Fabio Cecchetto, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, GasDS suite for the thermal degradation of solid fuels

2010 – Ing. Nadson M. N. Lima, Fuzzy model predictive control of polymerization reactors for PMMA and PLA production, University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil

2010 – Ing. Ivan Dones, Trondheim, Norway, Self-adaptive nonlinear model predictive control. Application to the distillation train of Mongstad refinery, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

2009 – Ing. Lamia Zuniga Linan, Modeling of molecular distillation of heavy oils, University of Campinas, Brazil

2008 – Ing. Nadson M. N. Lima, Model predictive control of pilot-scale and industrial scale polymerization reactors, University of Campinas, Brazil

2021 – Professor David Bogle, Process Systems Engineering, EFCE SVP, University College London (UCL), UK

2021 – Ing. Hermann Feise, EFCE President, BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany

2021 – Ing. Giacomo Rispoli, CEO of NextChem, MAIRE Tecnimont, Milano, Italy

2019 – Professor Marina Trusova, Head of Bio-engineering School, Sibur Corporate formation program Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russian Federation

2019 – Professor Olga Kukurina, Sibur Corporate formation program, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russian Federation

Ing. Sergio Aquenza and Ing. Andrea Amato, EPC activities for chemical plants, Techint E&C, Milano, Italy

2017 – Professor Lorents T. Biegler, Real-time Dyanmic Optimization, Carnegie Mellon University, PA, USA

2014 – Professor Gintaras V. Reklaitis, Process Systems Engineering Approach to Optimizing Drug Therapy, Purdue University, IN, USA

2014 – Professor Venkat Venkatasubramanian, Materials Discovery in the era of Watson: Challenges and Opportuities in Big Data Science, Columbia University, NY, USA

2014 – Professor Guenter Wozny, Trends and Prospects in Process Modeling and Optimization, Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany

2014 – Ing. Sandra Fillinger, MOSAIC (Modeling at the documentation level), Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany

2014 – Ing. Gregor Tolksdorf, MOSAIC (Modeling at the documentation level), Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany

2014 – Ing. Alejandro Merchan-Restrepo, MOSAIC (Modeling at the documentation level), Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany

2013 – Professor Kirill Kozin, Uranium Crystallization Process, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russian Federation

2013 – Professor Kirill Kozin, Uranium Crystallization Process, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russian Federation

2012 – Dr. Ing. Filip Logist, Robust nonlinear model predictive control, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

2012 – Professor Jan van Impe, Multi-objective chemical process optimization, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

2012 – Professor Maria Soledad Diaz, Control of the eutrophication process of water masses subject to climate changing and global warming, Southern National University, Bahia Blanca, Argentina

2011 – Prof. Heinz A. Preisig, HAZOP? An automaton-inspired approach, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

2011 – Dr. Ing. Lamia Zuniga Linan, Modeling and optimization of molecular distillation of heavy oils, University of Campinas, Brazil

2011 – Dr. Ing. Nadson M. N. Lima, Fuzzy model predictive control of pilot-scale and industrial scale polymerization reactors, University of Campinas, Brazil

2011 – Professor Jose Alberto Bandoni, Supply chain manangement for the fruit industry; Modeling of the human cardiovascular system, Southern National University, Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Former professors

2016 – Professor Sauro Pierucci, Chemical Plants. With great programming skills, he has been the practical developer of the packages of the research group. Not only Politecnico di Milano for Sauro. He spent a long period at Chocolate Baju to implement industrial solutions and all the professional life with the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering (AIDIC, as scientific editor and event organizer and the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE, as WP chairman

2013 – Professor Eliseo Ranzi, Chemical Plants. Head of Dept. for two terms, Eliseo never stopped developing detailed and lumped kinetic models for pyrolysis and combustion of gas, liquid and solid sources. With the highest scientific score, he validated the models with a strong international network and implemented them as the kernel of main industrial packages such as the SPYRO (currently TECHNIP-FMC), DSmoke and GasDS suite. Recognized modern artist with Escher-style representations he personally designed the cover of his last book.
2010 – Professor Giuseppe Biardi, Chemical Plants. Faculty Dean at Politecnico di Milano for a long period, Pippo has been the reference for academic and industrial activities on chemical plants and unit operations. He defined the guidelines to improve the teaching offer in industrial engineering as well as to open the M.Sc. course on Process Safety. Passionate of etymology and language evolution, he was able to freely teach in latin language.

2009 – Professor Guido Buzzi-Ferraris, Process Systems Engineering. Developer of the BzzMath process digitalization library (dedicated to his friend, Flinks) with about 2 milions code lines and 200 implemented algorithms for solving numerical problems in process engineering and process systems engineering. Author of book series and chapters on the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopaedia, he has spent the professional life as editorial board of Computers and Chemical Engineering journal and as Italian delegate of the Computer-Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) Working Party (

2009 – Professor Mario Dente, Transport Phenomena
Founder of courses on transport phenomena in italian universities and undisputed leader in chemical engineering sciences. Mario was and is very active in chemical kinetics and he is the inventor of main industrial solutions such as the SPYRO package (currently exclusive of TECHNIP-FMC) with hundreds of applications worldwide on steam and thermal crackers and the urea reactor tray (currently exclusive of CASALE) with 62 refurbished fertilizer plants worldwide.