AURGAS(TM) process – Methane-based zero-emissions electrified syngas production process

Description. AURGAS(TM) is a new electrified process for producing conditioned syngas (e.g., for methanol synthesis) starting from methane and without any emission.
Applicant: Politecnico di Milano (ITA), NTNU Trondheim (NOR)
Inventors: Filippo Bisotti, Kristofer Gunnar Paso, Flavio Manenti
Priority: 2022
Ownership: 100% Politecnico di Milano – TRL: 9
IP status: Basic Engineering Design Package
CANE(TM) – Carbon net-negative process for syngas production and net-neutral green hydrogen production

Description. CANE(TM) process allows to efficiently produce green hydrogen through total electrification and energy integration. With exogenous CO2 (sources are, for instance, stell mills, concrete production plants, tyles production plants, power generation plants), CANE(TM) becomes a net-negative process for the sconditioned syngas production.
Applicant: Politecnico di Milano (ITA)
Inventors: Filippo Bisotti, Flavio Manenti
Priority: 2022
Ownership: 100% Politecnico di Milano – TRL: 9
IP status: Basic Engineering Design Package
NEZEE(TM) process – Net-zero emissions electrified bi-reforming process

Description. NEZEE(TM) process is a new concept of bi-reforming able to provide conditioned syngas by means of a totally electrified solution.
Applicant: Politecnico di Milano (ITA)
Inventors: Filippo Bisotti, Flavio Manenti
Priority: 2022
Ownership: 100% Politecnico di Milano – TRL: 9
IP status: Basic Engineering Design Package
SACS(TM) process – New firebox for gas fields, refineries and reforming processes

Description. A completely new process and apparatus to split the H2S into (blue) hydrogen and elemental sulfur according to the reaction H2S = H2 + 0.5 S2 by means of catalytic technology and at mild operating conditions. The splitting is sustained thermally within a firebox. The firebox could be a completely new dedicated unit, a refurbished unit by exploiting existing thermal sources installed by the field, electrical. Laboratory testing have been accomplished; pilot-scale testing are ongoing.
Applicants: Politecnico di Milano, ITT SpA
Inventors: Flavio Manenti (Politecnico), Giulia Piccioni (ITT)
Priority: IT201900006957A·2019-05-17 – Application:
IT201900006957A·2019-05-17 – Publication: IT201900006957A1·2020-11-17 – Published as: CA3139914A1; IT201900006957A1; WO2020234709A1
Ownership: Politecnico di Milano (50%), ITT SpA (50%) – TRL: 6
IP status: Achievement of TRL 9 by Q1/2023
Process and plant for hydrogen generation

Description. A new process aimed at partially oxidizing H2S into hydrogen and SO2. SO2 can be adopted for the synthesys of sulfidric acid, while blue hydrogen is generated. The main reaction occurs in a thermal chamber at appropriate temperature. The stability of SO2 with respect to other sulfur oxides is ensuring high selectivities.
Applicants: Politecnico di Milano
Inventors: Flavio Manenti (Politecnico), Lucio Molinari (Maire Tecnimont-KT), Sauro Pierucci (Politecnico)
Priority: ITMI20131311A·2013-08-02 – Application: ITMI20131311A·2013-08-02 – Publication: ITMI20131311A1·2015-02-03 – Published as: ITMI20131311A1; WO2015015463A1
Ownership: Politecnico di Milano (100%) – TRL: 3
IP status: relevant experimentation planned in Q1/2022 – Q2/2022